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Mark, what a beautiful story and encounter with Alice. It's wonderful and so awesome to think that she perceives your world of art as part of her natural world. Viewing and entering into art at such an early age includes it as part of the child's natural world--parents, trees, oranges, brushing teeth, barbie dolls riding their horses, drawing and painting what is seen and/or imagined. Further comment: I noted Alice's language has changed with her generation. When speaking of the pizza that you and Dan ordered, she said, "It' the best pizza on the planet!" My generation and the one after me would have said, "It's the the world!" World is more a concept; planet is a specific known place which we know many facts about. I think children know the planet in relationship terms, it's their home, where they live in a very real way. Love, Elizabeth

Posted by Elizabeth Turner at January 24, 2004 12:20 AM